163 research outputs found

    Facteurs Explicatifs de la Pratique Contraceptive Moderne des Femmes Fréquentant les Formations Sanitaires du District de Youwarou au Mali

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    Objectif : Mettre en exergue les dĂ©terminants de la pratique contraceptive moderne des femmes frĂ©quentant les centres de santĂ© du district de Youwarou au Mali. L’étude part du constat que la situation sanitaire est non satisfaisante avec un faible taux de frĂ©quentation des centres de santĂ© qui est de 15 %, exacerbĂ©e par la crise sĂ©curitaire dĂ©clenchĂ©e en 2012. Ainsi, le taux d’utilisation des mĂ©thodes contraceptives modernes est Ă©galement trĂšs faible soit 1,07%. En effet, l’utilisation de la contraception moderne selon la cinquiĂšme EnquĂȘte DĂ©mographique et de SantĂ© du Mali (EDSM-5) est de 9,6% au niveau national et de 2,7% dans la rĂ©gion de Mopti. MĂ©thode : Etude transversale quantitative dont l’enquĂȘte fut rĂ©alisĂ©e du 1er mai au 30 juin 2015, et a portĂ© sur 200 femmes ĂągĂ©es de 15-49 ans frĂ©quentant les 07 centres de santĂ© dans le district de Youwarou. Les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es par un questionnaire ont Ă©tĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©es, compilĂ©es Ă  l’aide du logiciel le Sphinx PlusÂČ version 4.5, puis transfĂ©rĂ©es sur le logiciel stata 10 pour l’analyse statistique. Pour l’analyse des donnĂ©es, nous avons eu recours Ă  deux mĂ©thodes dans ce travail : la mĂ©thode d’analyse descriptive (analyse bivariĂ©e) et la mĂ©thode d’analyse explicative (analyse multivariĂ©e). RĂ©sultats : L’étude montrent que la prĂ©valence contraceptive moderne est de 8,8%. Les femmes de centre de Guidio-sare utilisent les contraceptives modernes plus que leurs consoeurs du district. Enfin les dĂ©terminants de la pratique contraceptive sont notamment l’ethnie, l’ñge et le statut matrimonial de la femme. Conclusion : A la lumiĂšre de cette Ă©tude, nous suggĂ©rons qu’un accent particulier doit ĂȘtre mis sur les dĂ©terminants rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s afin de promouvoir les mĂ©thodes contraceptives modernes. Objective: Highlight the determinants of modern contraceptive practice among women attending health centers in the Youwarou health district of Mali. The study was carried out based on the observation that the health situation is unsatisfactory with a low utilization rate of health centers is 15%, exacerbated by the security crisis triggered in 2012. Thus, the rate of use of modern contraceptive methods is also very low is 1.07%. Indeed, the use of modern contraception according to the fifth Demographic and Health Survey of Mali (EDSM-5) is 9.6% at the national level and 2.7% in the Mopti region. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out from May 1th to June 30th 2015, and covered 200 women aged 15-49 attending the 07 health centers in the district of Youwarou. The data collected by a questionnaire was verified, compiled using the software Sphinx PlusÂČ version 4.5, and then transferred to the Stata 10 software for statistical analysis. For data analysis, two methods were used in this work: the descriptive analysis method (bivariate analysis) and the explanatory analysis method (multivariate analysis). Results: The study shows that modern contraceptive prevalence is 8.8%. women of Guidio-sare Center use modern contraceptives more than their sisters of district. Finally, the determinants of contraceptive practice include the ethnicity, age and marital status of women. Conclusion: In the light of this study, we suggest that emphasis should be placed on the identified determinants in order to promote modern contraceptive methods

    Analysis of gender and governance of value chainbased systems on rice and vegetable crops in southern Benin and Mali

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    Published Online June 2015This present study analyses gender and governance in the rice and vegetable-based value chain systems in 3 lowlands of southern Benin and 2 lowlands in Southern Mali. A sample of 243 farmers, 1 modern processing unit, 18 traditional processors, 76 traders and 8 national institutions were interviewed in Benin and Mali. Descriptive statistics and Harvard analytical framework were used for the analysis of governance and gender respectively in the value chains. The majority of farmers have access to the use of land. Women produce up to 80% of basic foods for household consumption and sale. However they don’t have the control of these resources (capital and land). Decision making in relation to resources (land, water labor, credit) is under the control of men and natives. The governance analysis showed that the products of lowlands are not subject to quality control, with no public inspection for health and product quality. There is no input subsidy for actors in both countries. There are informal contracts between actors of the rice based systems in Mali and Benin. The markets are open for all the products and credit systems do exist. Some structures are involved in upstream and downstream chain components for training in various activitiesThis present study analyses gender and governance in the rice and vegetable-based value chain systems in 3 lowlands of southern Benin and 2 lowlands in Southern Mali. A sample of 243 farmers, 1 modern processing unit, 18 traditional processors, 76 traders and 8 national institutions were interviewed in Benin and Mali. Descriptive statistics and Harvard analytical framework were used for the analysis of governance and gender respectively in the value chains. The majority of farmers have access to the use of land. Women produce up to 80% of basic foods for household consumption and sale. However they don’t have the control of these resources (capital and land). Decision making in relation to resources (land, water labor, credit) is under the control of men and natives. The governance analysis showed that the products of lowlands are not subject to quality control, with no public inspection for health and product quality. There is no input subsidy for actors in both countries. There are informal contracts between actors of the rice based systems in Mali and Benin. The markets are open for all the products and credit systems do exist. Some structures are involved in upstream and downstream chain components for training in various activitie

    Observatoires de la gratuité des soins au Mali : émergence, processus et résultats préliminaires

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    Due to copyright restrictions, this item cannot be sharedLe Mali s’est engagĂ©, depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000, dans plusieurs nouvelles politiques d’exemption du paiement des soins (dites de gratuitĂ©). Pour mieux comprendre ces politiques, le ministĂšre de la santĂ© a mis en place des observatoires de la gratuitĂ© des soins. Cette note d’information prĂ©sente ce projet et livre quelques rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires

    Promoter effect on the reduction behavior of wuestite-based catalysts for ammonia synthesis

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    Ammonia synthesis remains one of the most important catalytic processes since it enables efficient hydrogen storage and provides the basis for the production of fertilizers. Herein, complementary bulk and local analytical techniques were combined to investigate the effect of selected promoters (Al, K, Ca) on the reduction of wuestite into α-iron and their catalytic performance for ammonia synthesis. The use of promoters appears to have a positive effect on the wuestite-derived catalyst in ammonia synthesis. The promoters seemingly act as a binder for wuestite grains and impede the reduction and disproportionation events of wuestite precursors resulting in an increased catalytic performance. This effect is associated with an increase of surface area and mesoporosity. The study delivers new insights into the interplay of structure and promoters in wuestite-based catalysts

    Improvement of yam’s productivity by using human urine as fertilizer

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    L’alimentation des populations et la gestion des excrĂ©ta constituent un dĂ©fi majeur pour les pays en dĂ©veloppement, notamment la CĂŽte d’Ivoire. Il y a donc une nĂ©cessitĂ© d’amĂ©liorer les conditions de vie de cette population en exploitant les opportunitĂ©s Ă©conomiques qu’offrent les dĂ©chets, notamment l’urine. Dans ce sens, une Ă©tude sur la valorisation de l’urine en culture d’igname (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata) a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e sur deux campagnes agricoles. Cette Ă©tude avait pour objectifs d’une part, d’évaluer les effets de l’urine sur la croissance, le dĂ©veloppement et le rendement de l’igname et d’autre part, d’envisager les possibilitĂ©s de stabiliser la production d’igname sur une mĂȘme surface vu son exigence en fertilisant. Ainsi, un essai avec trois traitements (fertilisation Ă  l’urine, fertilisation Ă  l’engrais chimique et un tĂ©moin) a permis de montrer que les urines ont un effet significatif sur les paramĂštres de croissance (l’indice foliaire et la matiĂšre sĂšche totale) et le rendement en tubercules frais d’igname. En outre, la rĂ©plication du mĂȘme essai sur le mĂȘme site avec les mĂȘmes traitements a montrĂ© que la production de l’igname demeure stable quand le sol est fertilisĂ© Ă  l’urine. L’urine est Ă  promouvoir en culture d’igname pour prĂ©server les vĂ©gĂ©tations encore primaires et celles en friche vu sa forte demande et ses exigences en fertilisant

    The association between child Schistosoma spp. infections and morbidity in an irrigated rice region in Mali: a localized study

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    Schistosomiasis is one of the neglected tropical diseases endemic to Mali. There has been insufficient investigation of the morbidity burden in highly endemic irrigated rice areas with the ongoing mass drug administration with praziquantel. In February 2005, a year after an initial mass drug administration in 2004, we performed the first cross-sectional survey of schistosomiasis in the Kokry-Bozo village in the Office du Niger rice irrigation region. In the fourteen years since this survey, there has been almost no research into schistosomiasis morbidity in Mali due to lack of funding. Therefore, the 2005 survey supplies near-baseline data for any future research into the treatment impacts in the area

    Capacitating stakeholders to using Climate Information in West Africa: Achievements and lessons learned from the WAAPP-funded CaSCIERA-TA project

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    This Info note summarizes the achievements and lessons learned from the implementation of a 2-year project on ‘’Capacitating Stakeholders in Using Climate Information for Enhanced Resilience in the Agricultural Sector in West Africa (CaSCIERA-TA)’’, funded by Conseil Ouest et Centre Africain pour la Recherche et le DĂ©veloppement Agricole (CORAF) under the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP)”. This project was implemented by a consortium of partners led by ICRAF Sahel Office and included CCAFS West Africa Program, AGRHYMET, INRAB-Benin, IRAG-Guinea, INRAN-Niger and ITRA-Togo. The project aimed at strengthening the capacity of the stakeholders of four WAAPP implementing countries to mainstream and implement Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) into their activities

    Accelerating Seed Germination and Juvenile Growth of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) to Manage Climate Variability through Hydro-Priming

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    Agriculture in Mali, a country in SahelianWest Africa, strongly depends on rainfall and concurrently has a low adaptive capacity, making it consequently one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change worldwide. Since early-season drought limits crop germination, and hence growth, ultimately yield during rain-fed depending on production is commonly experienced nowadays in Mali. Germination and establishment of key crops such as the staple sorghum could be improved by seed priming. The effects of hydro-priming with different water sources (e.g., distilled, tap, rain, river, well water) were evaluated respectively for three priming time durations in tepid e.g., at 25C (4, 8, and 12 h) and by hot water at 70C (in contrast to 10, 20, and 30 min.) in 2014 and 2015. Seed germination and seedling development of nine sorghum genotypes were monitored. Compared to non-primed seed treatments, hydro-priming significantly [p = 0.01] improved final germination percentage, germination rate index, total seedling length, root length, root vigor index, shoot length, and seedling dry weight. The priming with water from wells and rivers resulted in significant higher seed germination (85%) and seedling development, compared to the three other sources of water. Seed germination rate, uniformity, and speed were enhanced by hydro-priming also. It is argued that hydro-priming is a safe and simple method that effectively improve seed germination and seedling development of sorghum. If used in crop fields, the above most promising genotypes may contribute to managing early season drought and avoid failure of seed germination and crop failure in high climate variability contexts

    Serological Evaluation of Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination in the Bakoye and Falémé foci, Mali

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    In Mali, ivermectin-based onchocerciasis elimination from the Bakoye and FalĂ©mĂ© foci, reported in 2009–2012, was a beacon leading to policy shifting from morbidity control to elimination of transmission (EOT). These foci are also endemic for lymphatic filariasis (LF). In 2007–2016 mass ivermectin plus albendazole administration was implemented. We report Ov16 (onchocerciasis) and Wb123 (LF) seroprevalence after 24–25 years of treatment to evaluate if onchocerciasis EOT and LF elimination as a public health problem (EPHP) have been achieved
